Author Archives: MHenn


Welcome to the Southwest Baltimore County Democratic Club Website. We are an independent group of active Democratic Party members living in the Southwest Baltimore County region, south of I70.  Our communities in this area include portions of Maryland legislative districts 44A, 44B, and District 10.   Meetings often feature special guests including our elected officials, candidates running for office, and representatives of organizations involved in issues our membership and friends want to learn more about.

We welcome all registered Democrats who live in the area, or nearby, to join us at our meetings and we hope you will consider joining our organization.


The Southwest Baltimore County Democratic Club membership is committed to local action in support of Democratic values and public officials who translate those values into action and government policy.

We support continued progress in creating a country where all people share both the benefits and burdens of our society; a country where good health care and education are available for all, along with equality, justice, and the freedoms we have inherited.

We embrace our duty to our children, grandchildren, and future leaders, to leave them a thriving Democracy that is safe, healthy, and better than we found it.